What is Therapeutic Riding?
Therapeutic riding is horseback riding for the disabled - it combines equestrian techniques with concepts of physical therapy to teach the disabled rider traditional horsemanship skills and improve his physical ability. Each step a horse takes requires the rider to use his muscles to maintain balance and his mind to control the horse. Currently there are 99 therapeutic riding centers in California and Nevada and more than 35,000 disabled equestrians in the United States.
- Offers continuing education to therapeutic riding professionals
- Provides a communication network for dedicated professionals
- Managed the State Championship Horse Show for Disabled Riders - the largest show of its kind in the country
- Raises money to subsidize the costs for participants of the State Championships
CALNET Goals :
- To foster communication amongst professionals
- To raise awareness of the benefits of therapeutic riding
- To give disabled equestrian athletes the same competition opportunities enjoyed by able-bodied athletes
- To promote the development of disabled riders on the West Coast and promote access to top level coaches and clinicians
- To improve judging standards for disabled competitions
- To promote a progressive system of competitions leading the disabled rider from local shows to regional, national, and international competitions